May 23, 2009


I don't know if you have seen the movie PS, I Love You. If you are a chick flick kinda person, you will LOVE this one. It is about a woman who is married but her husband dies young. He knew that he had a cancer and so he planned to leave his wife letters. So after he was gone, the letters started showing up. In all these letters, he persuades his wife to work through his death and get out and live life. Well, anyways, I just wanted to recommend this movie to you if you like to chick flicks. Every time she reads one of his letters, its very sad, and yes, (even though its not manly), I cry. I'm a sap sometimes, but that's alright with me.

If it makes up for it, I watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight last night and didnt cry at any of the parts.

May 20, 2009

Never Give Up- Never Surrender (Galaxy Quest)

I have always been a type of person that works hard. In everything I do, I try to do it to the best of my abilities. I do it for God. But, one problem that I have is that I was not gifted with a brain that comprehends things easy or remembers things well. I was gifted in other ways, but not so much in schoolwork-type things. In school, I got average scores. My sisters got all As and a few Bs. They were even upset if they got some Bs when they were expecting to get As. They hardly EVER saw Cs.
I am the type that gets C's on average and some Bs and hardly ever As. I have grown to accept this. I know that God has made me this way on purpose and I should not be mad at God for this- or ask Why He made me this way.
Anyways, one great thing that God gave me was the character Trait that doesn't give up easily. If I gave up easily I would not have made it to be a teacher, I would not make it to get into a masters Program. The reason I bring this up is because of my recent events. I have been in the process of working on being accepted into the Masters Program at Western Oregon University. They have requirements to get it and one of those is a 3.0GPA. As I said before, I do not get that great of grades so I actually have a 2.92GPA, Not enough for the program. In lieu of the getting that high and powerful 3.0GPA, I am allowed to take a test, The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) and score high enough to get accepted into the program. Well, one thing about the MAT- It's not offered here in Central Oregon- I have to go to Portland or Eugene to take it. So on Monday I drove all the way to Eugene to UofO to take this one hour long test. Just to find out that I got a score of 391 which I needed a 395. Four Mesley points away from getting into WOU. BUT, that does not stop me. I am going to take this test again and get into the program that I want and I am going to pass it and get my Masters Degree in Education with an emphasis on Information Technology.

Never Give Up, Never Surrender (Galaxy Quest)

May 2, 2009

We Have the Power!

There is a Non-Profit organization called The Sparrow Club. This organization is founded when a Teacher in the Central Oregon area had a family problem. His Son had some medical issues and the medical bills were extensive. Their family didn't have the funds to pay for the bills. One day in his class, a young child came up to his teacher and asked how his son was doing, thereafter he gave his teacher a little money. Then the next day, a few more students came into the class and offered some of their money to him. This is how the Sparrow Foundation was dreamed up and came to life. This teacher, a few years later has started Sparrow clubs in many schools, and each school has children in their school that they sponsor along with businesses to help out with medical expenses. The cool idea behind this club is that the students of the school all work together to raise funds for one of their peers. Its also really cool because the way they raise funds is by doing volunteer work and getting pledges for each hour of volunteering. SO not only are they raising money for a family in need, they are also doing volunteer/good work for the community.

I have been in many schools where there are Sparrow clubs and a few of the Sparrow assemblies. In the sparrow assemblies the organizer gets up and talks about what the Sparrow club is and how the students at that school can help. They also show a Video Clip about the Sparrow Club using an illustration from Transformers. It talks about how we too have the power to change the world.
Well, I just watched Transformers again and it reminded me of the Sparrow Clubs illustration and made me wonder, what am I doing right now to change the world with the incredible power that I have. (We all have incredible power to change the world). As I think about this, I want you to ponder the same; What can you do to change the world you live in? How can YOU be a TRANSFORMER?