November 10, 2009

Pixar is AMAZING!

UP comes out today. If you have not watched this- it is a must-watch. It is amazing the way the story is put together; the opening scenes with hardly any dialogue and still telling a rich story that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. It is to put it mildly, UP to the Pixar Standards.

Pixar, for their entire Feature Film life, has for me had a High Standard of Excellence. Every film that is created by Pixar is a 5 star show. They have all-star casts, and even nobody's that live up the the same standards. They have some actors who are not even actors but just fill-ins (Such as Roz from Monster Inc.) that you would not even know they are not professional actors, but just someone on the crew who filled-in.
The storylines from all pixar movies are great. They appeal to all ages from tiny children all the way to adults and beyond. There is humor for all ages in these productions. The stories are original and very entertaining.

One day, I would love to visit their Headquarters in Emeryville, CA (near San Fran) to see where the magic happens and hopefully take a tour (if they even offer them?) It would be amazing to see the studios, the hardware, the artists, everything.

Once again, If you have not seen UP, you need to. And all the other Pixar movies for that matter, they are all good.


TimKirkman said...

I just checked and they don't do tours, just so all of you know.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you about Pixar movies, they are always wonderful! I'm already a fan of kid movies but these takes it to the next level! They have as much to offer adults as they do kids with out putting anything inappropriate in! I loved the opening sequence in UP it was beautiful! That's sad about no tours.=(

Bekah said...

oh, i am SO excited about UP! When is it coming to RedBox, though, is what i want to know. Roomie and i wanted to see it in 3-D but missed our chance :(

TimKirkman said...

IT IS IN REDBOX TODAY! You should go get it, Bekah.