December 25, 2009

100th on Christmas and Traditions.

It is just perfect that my 100th post is on Christmas. What a great time to be alive right? Who would have known that over 2000 years ago, a Baby was born that would change the world as we know it.
As our family tradition, we always read the christmas story (from the bible) before we open presents. We get up leisurly, open stockings, although this year, and from years on I believe, they will be just decorations, then we have a wonderful breakfast.
A funny story about the breakfast tradition at our home. We used to have a Sweedish Tea Ring every year. Then a few years back mom found out that my sister and I did not like the tea ring but just thought it tradition and we should not break tradition. Mom decided to find something new for christmas Breakfast and she came up with Sticky Buns. They are really wonderful.
Anyways, back to more memories... after breakfast we read the christmas story and then open presents. When we were younger, this seemed to take FORRRRRREEEEEEVVVVVEEEERRRRR. But as we have grown, we have learned to be patient and really cherish  those times. I love getting together and reading the christmas story as a family. It is a tradition that I will hopefully take to my future family as well.

Here is wishing you well on this Wonderful Christmas Morning that is full of mystery and wonder, and beauty, that God himself would come down to Us sinners and live among us.

December 23, 2009

Judy Moody, AKA Tim, was in a mood, not a good mood, a Bad Mood.

It's amazing how one sentence to someone else can change attitudes isn't it?? I just discovered this first-hand this afternoon.
I was having a great day. My parents are home and it has been fun seeing them and spending time with them. I went to Costco and a smattering of other places with dad this morning and that was great. Nothing was really happening, and we were just spending a nice afternoon with the family. Then my sister comes into town and drops some things off that she borrowed from the house and I ask her if she will put these things away, rather than leave them on the floor waiting for someone else (most likely mom) will have to do something with. Right away she SNAPS at me and yells that she is tired and she will get to it later.
This really upset me and knew that I had to get away from her. It threw my whole day off and I have been in a bad mood ever since.  I have cooped myself up in my room to get some space, but has not seemed to help.
Now, I know the old saying that your attitude is yours to do what you want with. We can choose to change it or we can choose to be in a bad mood, but I just can't seem to get out of this funk.
I just feel that I have had my Kelli fill for the month. And the bad (good) part is that the Christmas togetherness has just begun. I still have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and whatever else we plan to do as a family. I am going to do my best to get out of this bad mood, but it is tough when I have to be around my sister right now.

December 20, 2009

Time after Time

At times like these, I like to look back, as many do, and see what has happened. Coming upon the end of a decade and the start of a new one, I want to take the time to see what has happened in the previous decade.

What has happened to myself, my family, and around me? 
What has happened in our country? 
What can I praise God for? 
What hasn't gone just right? 
What technologies have been created?

It's also a time to look forward to the new decade. 
What would I like to see happen to myself, my family, and around me? 
What could happen in our country? 
What WILL I praise God for?

As the decade of the 00's come to a close, I urge you to take a look at your life and see what happened in it, good or bad, and examine why those things have happened. Take a look at what might have changed that, and look forward to the new decade and be the change that needs to happen. Make it Happen. Its all up to us to see our future change. Keep God number One up in your life.

December 18, 2009

Nice Conclusion to a Fall Term

It was an amazing term for me obviously. Maybe it was because I did not have much else to do! Maybe it was because they wer courses that were not so new to me (at least two of them)! Maybe it was because most were in an area that enjoyed! Maybe I am just good!
Well, I am reffering to my Grades for this fall term in my Masters Program at WOU.
I was able to score 3 A's and a B+. That is quite an accomplishment for me. I am very proud of myself.
My first class that I took was  Web 2.0- this was a class that was only online and it discussed and had us try out different applications that are on the Internet. Web 2.0 is considered the Read/Write Web. It covers things like Blogs, Wikis, RSS, and other applications that are offered on the internet.
My next class that I took was my Internet for Educators class. This class covered some things that I have known before just from being in contact with the internet in my daily walk. I certainly learned some new things though and had a great time putting my digital portfolio together.
My last fully online class was my Communications Theory class. This was not quite as fun for me. There was a lot of reading involved and different theories. I also did not get as much feedback from the professor as I would have liked. We had no grades until the final paper that we did. We had a midterm and given a partial grade and some feedback there, but not put on our grades. So for a lot of the class, I did not know where I was in the class, grade-wise.
The last class I took was on only on-site class. It was Philosophy of Education. This class was only once a week and was an extended period so I was in class, sitting in a desk from 4:30- 7:15 pm each monday. Long time for me to be sitting still and listening to the professor Philosophize- which is to say I wonder why....
This class was a bit boring at first, but I got used to it, and by the end, we were having good conversations.

Well, again, this was a good term for me, and I am glad it is over as well. I look forward to my new classes starting on the 4th:

Research and Writing- my On-Site class- again on Mondays from 4:30-7:15pm
Emerging Technology- Online
Mobile Technology in Education- Online/On-Site- working with iPod Touches and such
Theories of Teaching and Learning- Online-
Designing Information- Online-

God has blessed me with my current situation and I look forward to what He has for me in the future.

December 13, 2009

Complicated Christmas

So, christmas this year has been complicated. So, I decided to get my mother a christmas present- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was pretty proud of myself. I got a great product- the DVD/BluRay combo. I even got a great price-from Amazon. I made sure and told my family (sans my mother) that I was planning on getting this and that they should stay away from my idea.

Well, then my mom gets excited that Harry Potter is coming out on Dec. 7th and decides she wants to get it on the day  it comes out. I hint that I want to get it also but want to wait until christmas in case I get it. She knew what I was talking about, but just could not wait. She got the same movie for herself and talked about it at dinner one night. I mentioned to her that I had gotten her that and what was I supposed to do for her christmas present now??

She just figured that I could still give it to her because I wanted it myself and so she would just give me the opened-used one and I would give her the brand new unopened one.
I was pretty upset by this. I was not going to do that. I had decided that I would just find something else for her.

SO, I started looking for another present idea.  I also opened the one I got for her and downloaded the digital copy of the movie so I could put it on my iTunes. Then, I found out that mom decided to wait until christmas and to give me the unopened Harry Potter. So, now, because I already opened the present, I bought a second copy from amazon and will find a way to return the one given. Is there another way?
Complicated, I know.

December 8, 2009

The Wonders of the Internet

It's amazing what can be found on the internet right? Have you found that to be true. I find myself looking and looking for things more and more on the one resource of the billion-page internet. I never used to buy items on the internet, but this christmas season, I bought all but one present over the internet- the prices are just amazing. I never used to download cd albums over the internet, and now it is pretty much all I do when i want to get a new album (legally of course- iTunes) because the same album that is at the store for 15.99 is 9.99 or less online. I never ever thought about finding recipes over the internet, and now when I want to make something, I just hop online and take a gander at the many recipe sites. The great thing is that you can search for just one recipe and print it out. You can read all about the recipe and read reviews of it and what people think might make it better and what not. When I wanted to make Gingerbread before, I just got in the kitchen and pulled out one of a few options of cookbooks and found the recipe I wanted and made the stuff, now, I figure I can find a great recipe online, so I jump on there and find just the recipe I want and print, and voa-lah (how do you spell that, I dunno) I have a great recipe that makes better Gingerbread than I have ever made.

December 5, 2009

Tim's 25 Days of Christmas

Hey, here is Tim's 25 Days of Christmas Movies if anyone is interested in following along or ragging on me because I still watch lots of kiddy movies. Either way, here it is.
(And Yes, I know that there are not 25 days here, it is just to go off of the ABC Family's one)

December 2, 2009

Elf Yourself- its fun

The Blind Side

Last night, I had the opportunity to watch The Blind Side in theatres. Right when I saw the trailers for this movie I knew it would be good. It was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. It is based on a true story about Michael Oher- a Pro football player. This student has been passed around and has had a hard life being in an all-white christian school. A person who does not live in a house and has one change of clothes in a plastic bag. He is then greeted by a young man named SJ (Sean Jr.) and then his mother finds "Big Mike" (Which he does not like being called that) just walking by himself in the cold and she takes him home to stay at their house on the couch. It turns into a few days and eventually they give him his own room. He was so surprised to have his own bed.  A year passes and he gets his grades up and starts playing football for the school. This gets the attention of the recruiters who come to offer Mike a scholarship to their college. He has many decisions.
I don't want to give it all away because I want you to go out and watch this amazing story. It will be worth your price of a movie ticket, I promise you.
This movie choked me up quite a bit and made me realize how much I have compared to those who do not. It is a great movie for reminding us of what is important.

December 1, 2009

Wireless and Work

I was happy to be back from Thanksgiving. It was a great time in Bremerton Washington visiting the home of my Sister, Bro in Law, and Niece. The rest of the fam joined in as well. I got a chance to make my Cinnamon Apple Crumble Pie and a Pumpkin and some great Crescent Rolls for the day. I had a great time on the vacation, but was happy to be back in Salem in my room upstairs all by myself. Being with people for that extended period of time really takes it out of me. It is nice to be in my own bed, in my own room, in my own town, with my very own computer. I had to leave Toby (my Mac) at the apple store to get repaired because my Wireless was inconsistent. I also had them take a look at the display which was also coming apart a bit and they fixed it all. Brand new display, and a working wireless card. And what did it cost me?? Well I had to take it in there twice for them to take it seriously, but monitarily, Nothing. It was still under the 1 year warenty so that was nice to get a brand new display and a card that works all the time (at least so far, knock on wood).
This week has been a work-on-schoolwork-week. I have finals coming up. One is a presentation, which I completed yesterday and expect an A, and the rest are papers or projects. No tests, its nice not to have testing for finals. I would much rather write a paper or do a project. One paper I have though is my Communication Tech Paper and it is supposed to be 10 pages, so I have to get to work on that. That is alot of what I am doing today. Trying to get it ALL done (meaning all my projects and work) done by this saturday so I don't have anything left and can leave for home for Christmas Break on Tuesday. That would/will be nice.