December 13, 2009

Complicated Christmas

So, christmas this year has been complicated. So, I decided to get my mother a christmas present- Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I was pretty proud of myself. I got a great product- the DVD/BluRay combo. I even got a great price-from Amazon. I made sure and told my family (sans my mother) that I was planning on getting this and that they should stay away from my idea.

Well, then my mom gets excited that Harry Potter is coming out on Dec. 7th and decides she wants to get it on the day  it comes out. I hint that I want to get it also but want to wait until christmas in case I get it. She knew what I was talking about, but just could not wait. She got the same movie for herself and talked about it at dinner one night. I mentioned to her that I had gotten her that and what was I supposed to do for her christmas present now??

She just figured that I could still give it to her because I wanted it myself and so she would just give me the opened-used one and I would give her the brand new unopened one.
I was pretty upset by this. I was not going to do that. I had decided that I would just find something else for her.

SO, I started looking for another present idea.  I also opened the one I got for her and downloaded the digital copy of the movie so I could put it on my iTunes. Then, I found out that mom decided to wait until christmas and to give me the unopened Harry Potter. So, now, because I already opened the present, I bought a second copy from amazon and will find a way to return the one given. Is there another way?
Complicated, I know.


Unknown said...

Poor Tim! I hate it when stuff like that happens!=)

Bekah said...

oh no! :( Well, at least it's an eventful Christmas season! ;)