July 24, 2012

save more than 40%!!

save more  than 40%!!
now you can  buy new iphone 4S from here
i just got one this week 
you can order directly on 
enjoy here 

July 13, 2012

Lost my Loyalty

I have a hard time paying for big expensive things. I want cheap in price, but not a compromise in quality. I look for those amazing deals. I search and scavenge for the coupons and savings and sales.

I remember going to Coffman Vision a few years ago to get my new glasses. At that point, I had no insurance and so I was expecting to pay loads of money. I used a coupon to get 1/2 off the lenses which helped. I remember being able to get my new glasses within an hour. They had the lenses on hand, they had a simple, easy way of adjusting and so I just hung around Fred Meyer for the hour to get my new glasses on the same trip/visit. I really was impressed with Coffman Vision Clinic- much more than my previous Eye Doctor.

Which leads me to my current feelings. When starting work at KTVZ, I decided to do some of the benefits to add to my work. I just received on the 1st of July the vision and dental benefits (I have to work there over a month from the 1st of the previous month). Anyway, I was looking forward to getting some new glasses with my new vision plan. I was happy because at first glance it looked like I would be able to jump into my Optometrist office and get my frames for pretty much free, plus a $10 copay for the exam and then the $20 for materials and whatnot.

This was not the case for today's trip.
As I said, I look for the sales and the deals. Well, Today just happened to be the day of sales at Coffman- they moved two doors down to a bigger place. It looks really nice, and I was comfortable there. That was not the issue.

The first issue for me was the fact that they have this machine that takes a digital picture of the eye and the insides. The issue is that this digital picture costs $35 extra. This picture helps because you don't have to dilate the eyes, which is nice, but to me its not worth the extra money. Luckily, today it was free, so that was not an issue today. Why don't they just make this standard, why would it cost more? because they use a bit of electricity? I don't like adding fees for stupid things like that.

Next issue,
There were many frames reps there today and they were pressuring me to get different frames- presumably more expensive ones. I like to look at frames on my own and find the ones that work the best for me. I don't want people following me saying, try these on, try these on.... am I 6 years old and shopping with my mother? (sorry mom) Nope. Im 28 years old and I like to be independent. I want to shop for my frames on my own.

Another Issue,
When I was getting checked out with what I needed, I kept on getting pressured "Recommended" to get all sorts of different things that cost extra:
Transition Lenses
BiFocal/Progressive Lenses
UV Protection junk
Anti-Reflective coating

Are you kidding me? Just give me the basics. I don't need fancy stuff.
By the end, I was purchasing an Anti-Reflective Coating that cost $119. all on its own. I did not realize this. I wish she would have printed out the bill and gone over it with me before she had me pay.
When I got home, I checked my previous bill to see the difference. WOW, what a difference. I called right back and asked about all these other charges. When I found out about the AR Coating, I asked for that to be taken off. She again, pressured me to get it. She said she "couldn't change it today" because of the business of the day.

To say the least, Coffman Vision Clinic has lost my Loyalty. I don't like being bullied into purchasing extra frills that don't even make a difference. I will have to see about where I should go next time I need an exam, because I am just not sure I want to go through that again. Perhaps I will get my exam there and just take the prescription to somewhere else that is not so pushy with extras.

Oh, and the last issue I had today. I did not even get my new glasses. It was not a "Just wait around for an hour". This time it was "You will have your glasses in 5-7 business days" Really!? She said that was partly because of my insurance, but still...

Enough Ranting, its too nice of a day to be upset.

July 6, 2012

KTVZ and CLC- Do they Mesh?

So, my job will most likely change soon.
When I was interviewed for my job at KTVZ, I was told flat-out that it was currently being offered as a full-time job but there were changes in the works. Those changes are starting to happen.
In August, there will be a new Master Control system that will have more capabilities in which will be more automated and will most likely not need someone to be at work from midnight to 4AM.

This is partly good news for me, because it means that my job might change to a more appropriate hour for me- to start at 4AM rather than 12 Midnight. But it also is partly bad because that means the job will be only part time.

Things going through my mind right now are a couple of options-
One major one that I would love, if I could make it work, is to have the part time, 4 hour a day job at KTVZ and then have a teaching job elsewhere. One opportunity that I feel I would have a good chance for is the CLC coordinator at Terrebonne or Lynch.

Last year, during the school year, I was very involved in the Terrebonne Community School- Community Learning Center- the after school program at Terrebonne. I started out as teaching a one-hour class each day M-Th, but then I started coming in early when I had no sub jobs so I could help out with the iPod Touch maintenance, and it also turned into a Wednesday Early Release hour teaching/supervising. And then I took on more responsibilities as our current Coordinator left for another job. I was kind of a backup leader, helping out as needed.

I was looking forward to the possibility of applying for that CLC Coordinator job when it became available and was watching out for it. Well, it has shown up currently and I plan to apply for the job. Not only is the Terrebonne CLC needing a coordinator, Lynch is also needing a Coordinator. I also have a long history with the office staff at Lynch and would be happy to take the job there.

So, those are some things happening in my life. I would love to be able to not have to get up at 11PM to get to work by Midnight. Getting up at 3 would be much easier. Also, it would be great to have a full-time educational field job on top of the part-time network job. (Even if it was not a full-time TEACHING job)

Please be in prayer for me about my opportunites  that may become available.