July 6, 2012

KTVZ and CLC- Do they Mesh?

So, my job will most likely change soon.
When I was interviewed for my job at KTVZ, I was told flat-out that it was currently being offered as a full-time job but there were changes in the works. Those changes are starting to happen.
In August, there will be a new Master Control system that will have more capabilities in which will be more automated and will most likely not need someone to be at work from midnight to 4AM.

This is partly good news for me, because it means that my job might change to a more appropriate hour for me- to start at 4AM rather than 12 Midnight. But it also is partly bad because that means the job will be only part time.

Things going through my mind right now are a couple of options-
One major one that I would love, if I could make it work, is to have the part time, 4 hour a day job at KTVZ and then have a teaching job elsewhere. One opportunity that I feel I would have a good chance for is the CLC coordinator at Terrebonne or Lynch.

Last year, during the school year, I was very involved in the Terrebonne Community School- Community Learning Center- the after school program at Terrebonne. I started out as teaching a one-hour class each day M-Th, but then I started coming in early when I had no sub jobs so I could help out with the iPod Touch maintenance, and it also turned into a Wednesday Early Release hour teaching/supervising. And then I took on more responsibilities as our current Coordinator left for another job. I was kind of a backup leader, helping out as needed.

I was looking forward to the possibility of applying for that CLC Coordinator job when it became available and was watching out for it. Well, it has shown up currently and I plan to apply for the job. Not only is the Terrebonne CLC needing a coordinator, Lynch is also needing a Coordinator. I also have a long history with the office staff at Lynch and would be happy to take the job there.

So, those are some things happening in my life. I would love to be able to not have to get up at 11PM to get to work by Midnight. Getting up at 3 would be much easier. Also, it would be great to have a full-time educational field job on top of the part-time network job. (Even if it was not a full-time TEACHING job)

Please be in prayer for me about my opportunites  that may become available.

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