August 15, 2012

I'm going to Disneyland!

Now, here is the thing. The Olympics are over. Its nice to have them over because of my job- late night Olympics were needy for me because I had to roll the breaks (Press a button to trigger) at work at KTVZ.
But, then again, it was very entertaining to watch the Olympics while at work.

Anyway. So, now that they are over, all the late night shows are having the USA winners on their show. Last night was the sweet-smiling Gabby Douglass. Then, tonight, Jay is having Jordan Burroughs, a Wrestler.
Now, I know that McDonalds is the official sponsor for the Olympics (does that make any sense at all? other than the fact that McD's has lots of money to spend on advertising) and so it makes me not trust these athletes when they are asked what the first thing they did and the say they go a buy an Egg McMuffin (Gabby) or a Double Cheeseburger (Jordan)..

It seems they have been paid to say that. What do you think?

August 4, 2012

What does it have to offer?

what a cute lamb
I went to the fair yesterday. What does the fair have to offer someone like me?

Someone who is not a fan of carnival rides.

Someone who does not like to spend money on overpriced food.

Someone who does not like doing the games either.

Someone who does not like large crowds of people/

Well, even though the fair is overpriced, it actually DOES have some entertainment for me. I enjoy going to the fair to see what it has to offer- even though I don't like much of it. I also like to go to walk through the animals pens. To be able to go to the Horse barn, the beef barn, the swine barn, the sheep barn, and of course, one of my favorites, the Rabbits.
I enjoy walking through and seeing all the fun animals.

Another aspect of the Fair is going through  the other exhibits, specifically the photos- because I entered 8 photos of my own in the fair. I received a 2nd place on my Niece picture and an honorable mention on another picture, but no 1st place. I was kinda upset that my niece pic did not win first because it certainly was better than the one that won. How sad.

My re-entry stamp that looked like a forearm kiss
I, of course  went to the fair nice and early- right at 10AM when it opened. On my way out, I figured why not get the stamp to reenter the fair if want later on in the evening.
Now, the whole rest of the day, I kept glancing at my arm and thinking that it looked like a red lipstick kiss on my forearm.

A bit awkward.