July 31, 2009

Best of the life now!

It's funny how we are never satisfied. Maybe its just me, but I always am looking forward to something new. When we are in the heat of summer (Like right now), I am looking forward to something else- maybe fall, or even winter. But then when we are in the middle of winter and there is a few feet of snow everyday, then I yearn for summer again and the heat and the pool.
I believe that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have talked with many who feel the same.
WHY IS THIS? Why can we not be happy with where we are right now. Why do we always have to want and wait for something new to happen. I for one, would like to be just satisfied to live in the moment. What is that I have to do to train myself to enjoy every moment...season...day...year...opportunity....situation.
Lord, please help me to live in the moment, and not let anything slip away from me. Help me to never say- I wish it was, or I wish that I was, or anything in the like.
May I make the best of my life in the now, and not always be waiting and looking for something new.

July 30, 2009

Just Call Me Housesitter

So I have had quite a career in Housesitting. It all started with one lady from our church, a few years ago. I was interested to see what I was supposed to do and had no clue what this whole Housesitting gig was all about. I arrived at the house to get keys and meet the animals and see the house. It was fun to see the place where this lady resided. She showed me about the cats, where the garbage can needed to go and when, taught me about the use of televison and various other things.
The first time that I went in on my own when she had left, it felt like I was intruding or breaking and Entering (even though I was just entering, not breaking anything). It was interesting because the first time I housesat for this lady, I never even saw her cats. They were afraid of me and never came out when I was there. But I knew they were inside somewhere because I kept filling up the food dishes.
It turned out to be quite a good gig because I didn't have to do much AND I got to stay at someones house in Bend, away from the parents. It was a nice change. And you get paid for relaxin at someone elses house.
THEN, another couple in the church came up to me to housesit for them. I thought this was a one-time thing, but lo and behold, another one approaches. I take this gig too. Then again a few weeks later, then another family asked me to sit for them, and then again.
In the three years that I have done housesitting, I have sat around 12 times I can recall. (A few were repeats.)
Since Latvia Alone, I got back from Latvia on Wednesday July 22nd, I started a housesitting gig on Friday the 24th until Wednesday the 29th and then started another today Thursday the 30th until this Saturday the 2nd. Its quite a good gig, let me tell you.

One thing I have noticed from my Housesitting though- it seems to enhance hearing. I hear every little thing in the house, and also it never seems to be as comfortable as being at my own home.
I think one reason that many people think of me to housesit for them is because I am single, so there is no problem leaving for a few days or a few weeks, Also, I live at home, so many want to give me a break from that, another, I live in Redmond and many know that I do lots in Bend, so if they live in Bend, they like to let me be there to make it easy for me.
Anyways, you can Just Call Me Housesitter.

July 3, 2009

Freedom, What a Priviledge

Freedom,... What a Privilege

I always think about Freedom around this time of year. It sure is amazing what our great country went through to get its independence from England. But, ya know, if you think about it, there are other countries that have had an even worse past in that sense. I am about to go to Latvia, and let me tell ya, there is some history behind Latvia and occupations in their country. We (the United States) gained our independence a long time ago, at a fairly young age, but Lativa, just recently (in perspective) gained their independence. Latvia Gained independence in August of 1991 when people have been around that area much earlier. Latvia has been occupied by Russia, Germany, and others, just thrown around from one country to another. So, when I think about my own freedom, I am so thankful that my country has not had such a rocky past.