July 31, 2009

Best of the life now!

It's funny how we are never satisfied. Maybe its just me, but I always am looking forward to something new. When we are in the heat of summer (Like right now), I am looking forward to something else- maybe fall, or even winter. But then when we are in the middle of winter and there is a few feet of snow everyday, then I yearn for summer again and the heat and the pool.
I believe that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have talked with many who feel the same.
WHY IS THIS? Why can we not be happy with where we are right now. Why do we always have to want and wait for something new to happen. I for one, would like to be just satisfied to live in the moment. What is that I have to do to train myself to enjoy every moment...season...day...year...opportunity....situation.
Lord, please help me to live in the moment, and not let anything slip away from me. Help me to never say- I wish it was, or I wish that I was, or anything in the like.
May I make the best of my life in the now, and not always be waiting and looking for something new.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, it's back! I've been trying to live this way for a few years now, when I manage to do it the peace of mind is wonderful! It's definitely a mind over matter thing at first but then one day you'll notice it's not so hard anymore!=)