October 28, 2009

Singing to the Chrismas Child

I am beginning to get involved in my new church here in Salem. I am working on getting on regular rotation for the worship team and I am def. wanted there. They keep on saying, oh wow, a TRUE Tenor. Not like I haven't heard that before. It really is fun being a True Tenor though because there are not that many of us.
When someone says that I am a TRUE Tenor though, what they are saying and what they mean is that I do not have much of a low range. None, really. When they hear me sing my lowest note, a Bb, they get a smile on their face cuz they know that there are not many that cannot sing that.
Anyways, this last Sunday, I was able to sing a backup vocal for the song Forever and that was a lot of fun. I got to meet some new people who were very nice and they had all heard of me ("The guy who is a True Tenor") from Pastor Nate. I was also invited to sing again this week and I gladly accepted, but this weekend I am heading to the Coast for the Veritas (College Group) Retreat and so I could not make it to the practice. I think I will be used more and more though. I hope.
This weekend will be lots of fun. I get to go to SeaKrest yet again and I am looking forward to it. It will be a good chance for me to get to know more people from the group rather than just knowing their stats (their name, what school they go to, and what year they are, ect). I still am a bit fuzzy on even the stats. Hopefully I will be able to have some great conversations with everyone there. It seems to take spending lots of time at things like these for me to open up and get others to open up to me. (except for the Antioch group- I don't know why, but when I went to SeaKrest with the Antioch group, before it was a church, when it was just a college group, I did not draw close to anyone there, Sad, I know.
Anyways, I am looking forward to this weekend just for that, to get to know people more.

On another note, I had some fun yesterday. I decided to do some Operation Christmas Child Boxes, so I went shopping for those. I headed first to the New Dollar Tree near my house and got the majority of the stuff there, then I headed to Target to get stuff that I could not get at the Dollar Tree- like Matchbox Cars and Legos and junk. I got them home, wrapped the boxes and loaded them. They are sitting here in my room and I am so excited to give them away soon.
If you have not ever done an Operation Christmas Child box, you should start. Just start with one, it is not that much money, and it is lots of fun. I started with one a few years ago, and then it gradually grew. SO much fun, you won't be sorry.
(BTW- if you do not know what Operation Christmas Child is, you can search online to find out exactly what it is. A division of Samaritan's Purse)


Unknown said...

Can you be a fake tenor? I love doing the Christmas boxes, it's fun to see how much you can fit in a shoe box. It's a surprisingly large amount! Have fun chanting those incantations at the the grave yard this weekend, sounds like....ummmmmm......fun?

Bekah said...

cool, I love Operation Christmas Child too! LBC does them all year round then turns everything in at once in Nov, pretty cool!

Also so good to hear about how church is going - sounds like the perfect fit!