November 1, 2009

A Written Prayer from This Weekend Retreat

"The Heavens declare Your Greatness, 
The Oceans cry out to You, 
The Mountains they bow down before You, 
so I'll join with they earth and I'll give You my Priase."
Lord, I cannot even fathom the greatness of You. The smartest person in the whole universe could not even comprehend all of who you are, or even a portion of who you are. It makes me feel like these little grains of sand. I cannot even pick up one becaus eit is so tiny. Listening to the mighty, powerful roar of the Ocean and watching the waves crash majestically against the Rock reminds me of your glory and also of how you are like that Rock that never changes. The waves may crash relentlessly against you, but you always were, always are, and you will always be that Rock that is firm.
Sitting alone reminds me of the vastness of the work that you created. The birds that are chirping, the surrounding trees, the complexity of the human body, all created by You and You Alone. How AWESOME!
Help me to be like You, a rock that never budges. An unwhithering disciple for You, Proclaiming Your Word and Works so all may hear.
Thinking about the talk last night, help me to be wholistic in my Content, Character, and Conduct. I don't want to be only a servant, or only a know-it-all in terms of the bible, or only a spirit-led person. I want to be ALL. I want to be a biblically-knowledged-spirit-filled-servant for you. Help me to grow in those areas that are lacking.
Help me to feel you as I did this morning on Sweetly Broken. Those words are so powerful, describing what you went through on the cross and our ability to look toward Your suffering and reflect on that. Thank You that You bring me gently to my knees to the cross so I can cling to Your act of Mercy. I want to be SWEETLY BROKEN, WHOLLY SURRENDER.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend!=)

Bekah said...

wow... well-put, Tim!