December 20, 2009

Time after Time

At times like these, I like to look back, as many do, and see what has happened. Coming upon the end of a decade and the start of a new one, I want to take the time to see what has happened in the previous decade.

What has happened to myself, my family, and around me? 
What has happened in our country? 
What can I praise God for? 
What hasn't gone just right? 
What technologies have been created?

It's also a time to look forward to the new decade. 
What would I like to see happen to myself, my family, and around me? 
What could happen in our country? 
What WILL I praise God for?

As the decade of the 00's come to a close, I urge you to take a look at your life and see what happened in it, good or bad, and examine why those things have happened. Take a look at what might have changed that, and look forward to the new decade and be the change that needs to happen. Make it Happen. Its all up to us to see our future change. Keep God number One up in your life.


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TimKirkman said...

That's nice and all, but what I meant was do it for yourself. I gave a suggestion that we all look inward and reflect inward. I plan to type it out, and put it somewhere to remind myself. If I remember it and still have it in ten years, I hope to do it each decade. It will help me remember the past better and also help to see what I have accomplished.
Hopefully it will not be a letdown in a million years when I read them all (each Decades writing) when I am old and Grey and have lived my life out.

Bekah said...

thanks for the perspective, Tim! Too often we just get caught up in the here and now & forget to look at the big picture...