December 1, 2009

Wireless and Work

I was happy to be back from Thanksgiving. It was a great time in Bremerton Washington visiting the home of my Sister, Bro in Law, and Niece. The rest of the fam joined in as well. I got a chance to make my Cinnamon Apple Crumble Pie and a Pumpkin and some great Crescent Rolls for the day. I had a great time on the vacation, but was happy to be back in Salem in my room upstairs all by myself. Being with people for that extended period of time really takes it out of me. It is nice to be in my own bed, in my own room, in my own town, with my very own computer. I had to leave Toby (my Mac) at the apple store to get repaired because my Wireless was inconsistent. I also had them take a look at the display which was also coming apart a bit and they fixed it all. Brand new display, and a working wireless card. And what did it cost me?? Well I had to take it in there twice for them to take it seriously, but monitarily, Nothing. It was still under the 1 year warenty so that was nice to get a brand new display and a card that works all the time (at least so far, knock on wood).
This week has been a work-on-schoolwork-week. I have finals coming up. One is a presentation, which I completed yesterday and expect an A, and the rest are papers or projects. No tests, its nice not to have testing for finals. I would much rather write a paper or do a project. One paper I have though is my Communication Tech Paper and it is supposed to be 10 pages, so I have to get to work on that. That is alot of what I am doing today. Trying to get it ALL done (meaning all my projects and work) done by this saturday so I don't have anything left and can leave for home for Christmas Break on Tuesday. That would/will be nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your Macs name is Toby?? Hehe, nice! Good luck on the papers.=)