December 8, 2009

The Wonders of the Internet

It's amazing what can be found on the internet right? Have you found that to be true. I find myself looking and looking for things more and more on the one resource of the billion-page internet. I never used to buy items on the internet, but this christmas season, I bought all but one present over the internet- the prices are just amazing. I never used to download cd albums over the internet, and now it is pretty much all I do when i want to get a new album (legally of course- iTunes) because the same album that is at the store for 15.99 is 9.99 or less online. I never ever thought about finding recipes over the internet, and now when I want to make something, I just hop online and take a gander at the many recipe sites. The great thing is that you can search for just one recipe and print it out. You can read all about the recipe and read reviews of it and what people think might make it better and what not. When I wanted to make Gingerbread before, I just got in the kitchen and pulled out one of a few options of cookbooks and found the recipe I wanted and made the stuff, now, I figure I can find a great recipe online, so I jump on there and find just the recipe I want and print, and voa-lah (how do you spell that, I dunno) I have a great recipe that makes better Gingerbread than I have ever made.


Unknown said...

It is pretty awesome, but there's also something to be said for good old fashioned foot work! It is way easier to find things on the internet but ne where near as satisfying! I still haven't hopped on the CD band wagon, I would miss the covers, I just wait a litle while untill they get cheaper!=)

Bekah said...

It is "voila", at least i think :) I too greatly appreciate the cheapness of the internet! But I'm with Katy that I still buy CDs (but i get them on amazon for WAY WAY cheap and buy mp3's when i just want a few songs from an album) Love the internet!