January 14, 2012

Kirkman-ing about Tebow-ing

After watching online as the phenomenon of likes and dislikes, I am aghast. Some people Love him, some people hate him. Some people  mimic him, some people idolize him. Some people back him, some people make fun of him.
I am, of course talking of Tim Tebow, the Quarterback for the Denver Broncos.

Now, let me have full disclosure- I have liked Tim Tebow since he was hot in the College ball arena in the Florida Gators. I like him for his first name- It is quite a good one, anyway, it means Honoring God. I also like his last name- Tebow. Its a pretty cool last name. I also liked his profession of Christ in all he did while playing football with the Gators. He had John 3:16 on his eye black. It was very apparent that Tebow was a Christian.

Now that he is in the Pro league, there has been so much flying around the news about Tebow. Some say that he is too outspoken about God. They even have coined Tebowing- Bowing to pray in Thanksgiving after a touchdown. There were even Detroit Lions players who would mimic him and pray after they sacked him.  Of course SNL had to jump on the bandwagon and make fun as well, with "Jesus" coming into the locker rooms and telling Tebow to try harder so that he would not have to help with the win. (also to say that Mormanism is all true as well- that irked me)

Many of my Christian friends are big fans of Tebow and what he stands for. They want the Broncos to win because of Tebow. As I said, I like Tebow, but I do not necessarily want them to win the superbowl... I have other teams I like more than the Broncos. There is in fact, a game on right now and at some point I was feeling guilty because I want the Patriots to win. I like Brady and the Patriots are just an all around great team. It makes me feel guilty when all of my christian friends like Tebow and I am routing against the Christian QB. I felt the same around 3 years ago when I was routing against Kurt Warner and the Cards.

But, I need not worry, because even though I like Tebow and what he stands for, I do not need to rout for him just because he is a fellow Christian.

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