November 9, 2012

Want a bite?

Last week I had to take a trip over to Salem for my work. It was a conference that I was required to go to. Luckily I did not have to pay my way there. It was paid for by the district. I went over on Thursday night, spent the night in a Best Western, and went to the conference on Friday. Afterwards, I took a small detour to see the parents and my sister and nieces which was lots of fun.
Thursday night I decided to go to dinner at the Olive Garden. It was good food. I had the Dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow deal and it was good stuff.
Of course, I went at the worst time- 6pm when everyone else was eating dinner. It was going to be a 20-some minute wait for a table for one- so I went to eat at the bar instead. There was only space at the actual bar, so I ate there.
I sat there, a seat apart from a lady who was eating her dinner and reading a book. By the end of the night, she was talking to me and (maybe I was reading too much into the friendliness, but) hitting on me. She was, perhaps, 45 and was a Cougar. She was from Central Oregon as well, which was kinda interesting. She was maybe just lonely, and wanted someone to talk to, but it was a bit weird to feel hit on by a lady who had a daughter who was closer to my age. By the end of the night she was offering me a bite of her dessert and that was a bit weird as well. Would you offer a bite of your dessert to a stranger you just met? I would not.

Another thing that happened recently is is that I have been working on getting some tires and studded tires for my new car. I sold my former tires this morning on Craigslist and purchased some new ones from Craigslist this afternoon. It was a sweet deal.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, The real question is, did you take the offered bite of dessert? ;-)