January 1, 2013

Give until there's nothin' else

Another year has come and gone. As for my blog, this was a terrible year... 28 posts compared to over 100 the previous two years.  In terms of my life though, its a good thing. It means I was busy and had other things to do. Last night, I did not make it to Midnight- I got to about 10pm. Of course I was awoken by my dog at midnight when people were shooting off fireworks and he was nervous. He jumped up on the bed to cuddle for a bit but I was having a hard time sleeping so I assured him it was alright and we tried to go back to sleep. I was very, very close to yelling out the back door-- Okay, we get it, its after midnight and we have entered a new year.... or at least getting up out of bed and getting my earplugs, but I eventually made it back to sleep, until I was awake at 5:45AM. Yes, this was just a few short hours after many of my friends on Facebook went to BED!
I went in the Hot Tub nice and early. 

The great thing about the Hot Tub is that I enjoy just sitting and thinking about things. My thoughts this morning were looking upon last year. Looking at what happened in my life that was good. Looking at what happened that was not so good. Looking at what I accomplished, and what I did not. Looking at what I did that was good, and things that I don't want to repeat next year.
Of course when writing a post about resolutions, I also had to make a New Years Resolution playlist in my iTunes.

Some great things that happened this last year for me:
*I got a full-time job- granted not my dream job, but it is nice to have something to fill up my days.
*I walked in my Masters Commencement.
*I met more friends
*I got some new roommates and let some go

Some things I would like to change for this new year:
*get a full-time dream job of teaching in an elementary setting
*Spend more time with God
*Exercise more
*change some habits that I have started
*be more outgoing
*save some money once again. (I have made it through these past few months, but I am bringing it in and sending it out- none to save)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look at it this way, you made it New years central time!

Yeah for the good things and for new goals! =)