June 18, 2009

It's on its Way- 19 day

It's coming up fast! I am so excited. I am wondering what kinds of things I will learn?; what kinds of things I will do?; How I will relate to these people?; Where I will go?
Im talking of Latvia. My Mission Trip to Latvia is coming up soon and I will be so happy once we are on the plane on the way there. There has been so much leading up to this event, trying to learn the language, weekly meetings, testimony creation, fundraising individually, fundraising events as a group, Packing Classes- hehe.
But in 19 days I will be getting up early and get dropped off at the Redmond Airport, fly to Portland, From Ptown we will be flying to Frankfurt Germany, have a long layover in Frankfurt to check out the town. My friend got us free lodging in Frankfurt for the night, which is AMAZING. Then the next day we will be heading from Frankfurt on a plane to Riga Latvia. We will spend a few days in Riga, sightseeing and visiting old connections from FBC, go to Church in Riga, then on our way to Eagles Wings Christian Camp to work with the kids and adults.
I really don't know what to expect from this trip. I am the type of person who likes a big overview plan for trips, and also the intrikate daily plans that tell me what I will be doing that day and where I will be. On this trip, I will not have that. So please pray for me, that I would be easy going and not get upset that there is not detailed plans.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like someones excited! It sounds really neat, I hope to go one day.....but as the Lord leads! Lots of prayer for you is happening everyday! Sleep lots now.=)