June 25, 2009

Lenghty Logs and Massive Mosquitoes

Decided to go for a Hike today with the old arthritic dog. Bad Idea. Here the thing. My dog loves going on hikes/walks/rides- whatever really, and she feels she can do it, but sometimes she misjudges.
So anyway, I decide to go on a hike since its such a nice day, I read in the paper that Doris lake was a good one to go on, It was located near Elk Lake off of the Cascade Lakes Highway. So I drive all the way out there, get started hiking with Becky (the old dog) and we keep on coming upon these downed trees that we have to hop over or go around. For the average person, that is not a problem, but for my dog who cant use her back legs like that anymore, its very sad to watch and try to convince here that she can do it. So we did not even get to Doris Lake because of my dog not wanting to go any further.
(To be honest, the paper article that I read about Doris Lake trail did mention the downed timber, but I didnt really think it would be that much of a problem for my sad old dog.)
Anyways, that to say, I did not get to the lake that I wanted to, I got to a lake, but not the better one with the longer hike. Another big part of this loser of a trip for me was the Mosquitoes. I was warned about these too, in the newspaper article, so i brought plenty of bugspray, bit my bugspray must have been defective because they were still all around me, and it was very annoying. Anyways, that is my sad story about my bad hike to Blow Lake.
Here are some nice photos I got though:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, hopefully your next trip goes better! At least you got some pretty pictures.=)