October 7, 2009


What gives it away? Is it my manly look? my Furry Physique? My Billowing Voice?My Gruff personality? Every time I am in an audition, people know I am a Tenor singer even before I sing??? How is that Possible>?? (I am just kidding, I know that its because of my HIGH voice that people know that I am a Tenor.)
I went in tonight for an audition for singing in the worship team at Salem First Baptist. Nate knew right away that I was a Tenor, even before I sang. WOW, How did he know.
It must be because of my voice. That same voice that people think that I have not gone through puberty yet. That same voice that when answering the phone at home, people think that I am my mother. That same voice that gets made fun of. But ALSO, that same voice that sings wonderfully. That same voice that has such a rich texture when singing, that makes people cry. That same voice that was given me by God. That same voice that I have been to Two All-State and one All-Northwest Choirs in.
I may have a high voice. I may not have much of a low range (None at all really). I may be teased about having a Castrato operation (an operation done a long time ago that "Fixed" young men so they would have high voices for the rest of their lives), But it is the voice that God has given me and I am not ashamed of it. I am proud of my high voice that cannot sing below a middle C. I am proud of what I was given and born with.
We should all be proud of our gifts that God has given us and not worry about what others think or what we would want to have as a gift ourselves.


Unknown said...

Here I thought it was the furry physique! You do have a very beautiful voice, your speaking voice is soothing too. You never sang on worship at FB. What's up with that??

TimKirkman said...

Mark didn't want me to. HEHE. Nah, he didn't care but he needed a Bass Player more than another Tenor. I sang Backup for Brent a few times though.

Bekah said...

i think i need to hear you sing!!!