October 2, 2009

It's Got Me Thinkin about It!

Guess who went down the Costco CHRISTMAS Aisle today?? Yup, you guessed it, ME. It was not even my idea, my mom's. And, of course it is starting to stir the feeling of Christmas in me. LOL. I know what you are thinking. I can hear practically all of you yelling at me "It is not Christmas yet, Tim. There are still 84 days until Christmas." (My sisters yelling the loudest of course, but I say Bah Humbug to them) But ya know what, I don't care.
It has started. 
I am even starting my christmas music- Hawk Nelson- The Bells on Christmas Day as I write this.

It really is quite an amazing time of the year. Sadly, this year I do not get to decorate a whole house as I did last Christmas. It really puts me in the mood. I have some great decorations for my house (AKA the non-existent one) and so I was thinking about doing some decorating of my room in Salem, but I think it would be smarter to just wait for home in Redmond to do that. It is so exciting though.

I can already smell the spiced Cider cooking in the crook pot- the aroma wafting throughout the whole house
I can see the ceramic houses dispersed all throughout the living room with no space for more (even though each year the collection gets bigger and bigger) (There are suburbs of this village all around the windows and coffeetables)
I can feel the chill of the snow on the ground in which I throw snowballs at my dog who tries to catch them in her mouth as if it were a ball.
I can taste the peppermint fudge that is a yearly tradition with my family. There is never enough.
I can hear the laughter of the family when all together and enjoying the company, talking about nothing in particular.
I can feel the emotion of Christmas morning when I cannot sleep and we have stockings, Special Cinnamon Rolls, the Christmas Story from the Bible (everyone reading a section and Justin reading about Maggie -Not the GPS), and Presents- In that Order.

Can you not see why this is the greatest time of the year; One I look forward to each year and want to start earlier and earlier each year??


Bekah said...

There is nothing I love more than starting Christmas early. Right now it's in the 40-50's and rainy in the TC and that's exactly what Christmas is like back home. ahhhhhh..... :)

Unknown said...

Amen brother!(shhh, don't tell anyone(most specifically my Mom) but I've been listening to christmas music for about a week now!) I love Christams and the season leading up to it, hey we even got some snow today!!=)