January 3, 2010

Flashbacks and Friends

I had a crazy flashback this morning. I was at church, of course, and I was waiting for College Sunday School class to start and a girl walks in who looks very familiar to me. She reminded me of someone I knew in LaGrande at Eastern. So, I keep looking at her, and she at me trying to see if it really is Josey, this girl that I knew from EOU, and I found out that she was. She remembered me, and so we got to talking a bit and one of the other girls from WOU was talking about how funny it was that we knew each other.
Then Josey says to Jessica that she recognizes her too. Turns out, that I knew Jessica before I came to Salem as well, because I was a part of Campus Crusade at EOU (so was Josey, thats pretty much how we knew eachother, and church) and we had a leadership meeting thing in Bend one year, and I guess Jessica was a part of that too because many CC branches got together and did the leadership stuff as one.
Anyways, I am going to have to take a look at the Campus Crusade picture that was taken again (if I can find it on my computer) and see if I can recognize Jessica and anyone else too.

True Story.


Bekah said...

That is SO funny! And what's even funnier is we were JUST talking about thinking people look familiar from other parts of our lives :)

Unknown said...

Neat, I love it when things like that happen!=)