January 13, 2010

I Felt BAD!

So, the problem with having one class at the start of the week and the rest of the week being cooped up in my room, is that I loose track of the days. I went the whole day today thinking it was Tuesday, and all because of my day yesterday.
I should explain more. I have one class on Mondays. That is the day that I go into Monmouth, to WOU. Every monday, I am on my way to that class. THEN, yesterday, Tuesday (I know that NOW), I traveled AGAIN to WOU to do some Research for my class. That got me in the mindset that it was Tuesday today. I went the whole day thinking it was Tuesday.

Now, you might think that because I only have one class, it wouldn't really matter if I thought a Wednesday was a Tuesday right>?? WRONG. I have Worship practice on Wednesday nights, and now I have joined the choir, which is directly after.

So, there I am in my room at around 5:15 just hanging out, not doing much and I get a text from my Worship Pastor asking if I was on my way??? This puzzled me. Now, in just a daze, you might get a whirl of info coming at you saying, "ITS NOT TUESDAY, ITS WEDNESDAY" but that shows how much of a mindset I was in that it was Tuesday, I did not get that whirlwind of info. I of course, CALLED Nate back (because everyone knows that I am not a texter) and said Nate, I thought we were having practice on Wednesday. And he said, Yeah. Now, at least you would think by now, that I would have gotten the clue right?? NO, I still had NO clue that it was Wednesday.

So, finally, Nate set me straight and I learned that it was WEDNESDAY, not tuesday, and I rushed out and arrived at practice late. I HATE BEING LATE. I pride myself on being on time, and usually I give myself TOO much time and arrive at things incredibly early. But better early than late is my mantra.

Needless to say, I will not be doing that again anytime soon. I am going to be meticulously looking at my days to make sure I am on track!


Unknown said...

Hehe, opps!=) I hate it when that happens!

Bekah said...

oh no! i know how that goes, though. last week i kept thinking it was Friday. Which might be a normal wish for most people, but does not normally happen to me :) Glad you made it, even if it was late!
