September 12, 2010

Exsistential thoughts on my pool!

As I was emptying the family pool this afternoon- something happens that happens each time the pool is emptied- Worms sprung up from the ground because of all the gallons and gallons of water invading their dirt homes. They start to squiggle and squirm from the water that is so intrusive. Those worms are- to take from  Dead Poets Society- "food for worms." But, it got me thinking..., if a worm dies, do they become food for worms? Are worms cannibals? Its a perplex-er, I know. My guess is that these worms actually don't eat the other worms. My guess is that these dead worms, of which we will have all around our pool, will just lie there dead until a bird or some sort of fowl dives down to eat it or bring it back to family. Who knows for sure.
But, as I was contemplating these worms that were dieing and the massive wave that I was creating by emptying my pool, I thought about that all-consuming water that I was letting go off.  

When I fill this pool, it is full of water, something very nice to relax in, but that water doesn't do anything special- it just sits there getting lukewarm from the sun (and occasionally it is a place for insects who jump in on their own and die to make the water nasty). That is kinda what we can be like. Those of us who are Christ-followers and are filled with the Holy Spirit can choose to just sit there- a pool of water getting luke-warm from the sun. It really doesn't do much else. And then on top of that, we can get grotty stuff in our pool and not be very enticing or exciting. 

But, there is a different way we can choose to be- a way that impacts. We can be that pool that is full of water and then let's its water go- enveloping and impacting everything around it. As I look at the wave that pool has made, there is no ground around it that is untouched by the water. It's everywhere! This is the way that our lives should be because of Christ- we need to take that pool and empty it around us to change our world for the better. 

I know what you are thinking-if we let our pool be emptied, then we will not have water at all. But that is the great thing -even though my pool (literal) will eventually be empty- it will be filled up again. AND, our spiritual pool will never go empty- when we let our pool go- we are filled up again and so much so to the point of overflowing. 

Won't you join me in letting go of your pool water so as to envelop everything around you!? If not, your pool won't do much and could very well get all scummy and green!

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