September 8, 2010

Put a Smile on Your Face!

Tonight, I spent some time eatting dinner at a certain World-famous burger joint. Now, this was an ordinary visit but what happened there changed my views.
As I was eating my din din, I heard the person at the counter call out- Oberon....... Oberon of the Underworld. Why did they call this out? Well, at this burger joint they ask you for your name when they take your order so they can call out your name when your order is ready. My guess is that they want it too feel more personal than order number 2227. Anyway, it seems that Oberon of the Underworld was a teenage male. Yes, those hooligans. Not necessarily hooligans, but at my first thought I was thinking about how immature these teenagers were.
After thinking about it for a while, I did not understand why it was SO bad to change your name for your order. There are a lot worse things a teenager could do than to make the cashier call out Oberon of the Underworld.

Well, it brought a smile to my face, and I decided during my second thought, that maybe we need more of those moments in our lives, right? Times that maybe are a bit silly, but (to quote a song lyric) put a smile on your face- make the world a better place!
Well, after that, I just KNEW that more psudonyms (fake names) would come across the McDonalds counter and sure enough, there were. (because there were about 6 of those guys all hangin' together.)
The next name that I recall was Kevin Bacon. One of the guys ( I think the one that actually gave that name) said "Kevin Bacon's here?!" Another one showed up next. Mclovin'. Now, I def. do not recommend the movie that that reference is located in, but I did find it very hilarious that Mclovin' was ordering at McDonalds -purely for the namesake. Last and probably my favorite was Buzz Lightyear. I'm a big fan of Buzz Lightyear- the character, not the person who gave the psudonym. 
Again, at first instinct I thought how stupid and immature that teenager was. I felt like an old man off of a ScoobyDoo show who says "I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids" But, after my second thought, I realized that it did "Put a smile on my face"

We could all use that every once in a while.