February 18, 2011

Boy, was my face Red....

So, it has been a while since I have updated my blog with something new. I bet you thought I was burned out after all that Christmas Blogging! Well, that could be partly true, but to be honest, nothing exciting has really happened. I updated my Blog look for V-Day and then never really blogged about V-Day.

Well, partly, the reason for not blogging about Valentine's Day is because I don't have that special someone to blog about. I am still waiting/searching for that special someone to fill my life with wonderful joy and that hasn't happened yet, but I know that God has great plans for me... (Don't worry, Im not gonna quote the same verse everyone quotes around this time when talking about God's plans... you know the one Im talking about... Yes, I like it, but it is WAY overused... and so Im just not gonna do it.)

Instead of spending a romantic time with my loved one as many did last weekend or on Monday, This month to get me in the Lovey Dovey spirit, I decided since I have so many Chick Flicks in my DVD collection that I would watch many of them. I had more Chick Flicks than days in the month though (and I started late, don't hate me) so I just figured I would choose some of the best ones to watch. It has been loads of fun. Tonight's movie was Two Weeks Notice. Gotta love that Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock. (also the cute Red-head friend of hers from this movie, and You've Got Mail, and Miss Congeniality)
The last time I spent a V-Day with a special someone was a long time ago, but I did it right, if I do say so myself. Made her dinner- Homemade, really good soup, roses, and a song that was written for her. Yeah, Im not a huge guitar player, but I struggled through it. I am also not a big creator of songs, but I felt/feel good about this one, even though it is embarrassing. So embarrassing in fact that there is a story to go along with it....

So, this song, which I entitled Beautiful Blue Eyes, I decided to record it on my computer to remember it in the years to come. Well, for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to put this song, since it is in digital format anyway, on my iPod. Long story short, while driving a church van full of Middle Schoolers with my iPod plugged in, one of the MS students took the iPod and was scrolling through my artists and found... ME.  So guess what, she decides we are going to listen to this song by me. So embarrassing. Oh well, that's what I get for having a song I created on my iPod and letting MS students scroll through my music. Boy, was my face red.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't you just love it when stuff from your past crops up to bite you in the butt? ;-)