February 27, 2011

Cars, Facade, and God

I just had to post this great experience that I had a few days ago. So, as a teen, I was a crazy driver.
Aren't we all?

Well, I would speed in a big way and thankfully only got ONE ticket in my life for my driving (I also got a seatbelt ticket and some warnings too) and that was not even for speeding, it was for following too close to someone. Anyway, as I said, I was a crazy driver- (well not as bad as my sisters, but lets not get into all that)- that would drive way over the speed limit. I did this crazy driving up until last year. I went to a retreat at the coast with my college group from Salem and our speaker was talking about slowing down our lives and just enjoying life.(I believe that I wrote about this already in another post a long while ago, but it pertains to what I am about to talk about)

After that I have tried my best not to be in such a hurry while driving and I believe it has helped. I don't get as antsy to get somewhere and do not get as frustrated with the slow drivers. I just have tried to learn to take in the beauty of the area I am driving through- even if it is ugly juniper trees.

Well, as a result of that, I usually drive around 45 or 50MPH on the back road of Helmholtz (which I think it is 45 there) and I get a kick out of drivers that feel they need to go 60 or 65 on that road.
I knew that this was coming by the way this driver was coming upon me, but he was ready to pass me. The great thing about Helmholtz (at least the place I am driving) is that there are two large passing areas that are fairly safe, so this Subaru was able to pass me and kept going about 60 or 65 and just cruisin' along. I didn't think anything about it until I approach the downhill part and I see this dude slam on his brakes. He slowed his speed down to about 40. You may wonder why, but I am sure most have guessed that it is because of a police car. He was in the turning lane to move to another street. Once I saw this guy, I just had to laugh so hard because of the differential speeds of the Subaru driver. How funny, right? Well, after the cop turned, I just HAD to start chanting, "turn around and come back for him. Ill let you pass me to get em"

Isn't it funny how two-faced we can act sometimes around the law. There are so many times that I am traveling along the highway and there is a bottleneck of cars slowing down, JUST because there is a cop car traveling along the road. I think they should make transformer cop cars so people travel at the normal speed all the time because any of the cars around them could be a cop. The car would just find someone traveling at unsafe speeds and transform right behind them into the cop car and pull em over. That'd be awesome. I foresee that happening in the not-so-distant-future.

It makes me wonder how many of us act like that in front of others, or God? We put on  a Facade (go to my YouTube page to hear Facade from Jekyll and Hyde- Hehe) that makes us look good on the outside, but really we are just fooling others, and TRYING to fool God. We may open up our used and torn bible, but then we never use it other than church. We talk so different at church than at work or school. I feel we need to get back to authentic Love of God. Take off the mask and be the real you. There probably is opportunity to fool others, but there is no point in fooling God!

To end the story, NO, justice was not distributed. The Subaru, for all I know, didn't learn his lesson. But I have to think of all the times that type of thing happened to me. I escaped many times from a ticket when which I should have gotten one. Even when I wanted Justice, Grace smiled upon the Subaru driver.

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