March 5, 2011

Tongue in Cheek Birthday Wish

Some 45 people wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. Crazy right? That was all on Facebook!!!!

Facebook is nice because they let you know when someone's birthday is and so many people write down a short Happy Birthday note- which usually says "Happy Birthday, Tim" or "Tim, Happy Birthday!" or some variation of that-but what I get a kick out of is the fact that many of these people of whom I am friends on Facebook and wrote me a message, I have not heard from or seen or chatted with in years.

It's like the obligitory thing to do, when you see a name under birthdays, you must go to your friend's account and leave a message. One of my friends was heard saying at one point (this was a while ago) that they haven't OFFICIALLY wished you a Happy Birthday until its via FaceBook... Really?

Now, when I first started Facebook I decided that I would do the whole Birthday thing to everyone, but I felt it was very tongue in cheek for those people that I don't converse with on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. So, I decided that I wouldn't do the Birthday wishes unless it was a very special person, a close friend I keep in contact with, a family member, someone I see once a week, ect.

Don't get me wrong, its great to get birthday wishes from 45 people all saying Happy Birthday, but there is also something to be said for a real relationship and not just a HB wish because FB says its one of your FB "Friends" birthdays.

I just get a kick out of that whole thing.

On a happier note, I was happy to get many coupons in the email from clubs I signed up for to get free things.  About a year ago, I signed up for as many restaraunt clubs as I could. I signed up for
Red Robin
Papa Murphys
Jack in the Box
and about a week ago they all started pouring in, offering me free things or buy one get one free. I got a free Red Robin burger last night, and a free Dessert from Jack in the Box- Cheesecake- surprisingly really good, a free small sandwich at Schlotz, and a free cream slush at Sonic. Its good stuff. I love getting free stuff.

I am also looking forward to a late birthday with my family up in WA. We are going to get together and have a party and I get to see my new niece once again. Exciting stuff.


Unknown said...

Hmm, so would it be wierd if I said happy birthday via blogger comment the day after your birthday on a post that is talking about how HB wishes via the internet seem odd to you? ;-)

TimKirkman said...

But, at least I talk with you and keep in touch (sortof). Thats different than someone I knew from HS of whom I am friends with on FB but never see and never hear from. Ya know.
Again, its not a huge deal, and is nice to know that 45 people took the time to say Happy Bday, but anyway.