March 16, 2011

Mars Needs Moms review- One Thumb Up, One Down

A few days ago I was happy to find a movie at Costco that had a free movie ticket inside. I love to get movies on DVD that have movie tickets inside because that means the cost of the DVD is significantly cheaper. You can look at it another way too- that the cost of the movie in theatres is free. Free is a great thing for me. Anyone who knows me well, knows I am a cheapskate. I love to use coupons and get free stuff. If I am paying full price for something, it must be worth it in my book.
Anyway, the movie that I got a free pass to was Mars Needs Moms.

This movie is certainly one I was not going to see and pay full price (its that little cheapskate thing coming in there again, I don't go to movies in theaters often unless I KNOW they are going to be good- Harry Potter and Pixar are a few that I make sure to see in theaters.) but since I got a free pass, why not right?
So, that is precisely what I did. I went this morning to Mars Needs Moms. It was the noon showing and it was a very low turnout. There were exactly TWO of us in the whole theater. I was so excited that I might be the only one there, but alas, another dude showed up to watch as well, dashing my hopes of being the sole movie goer in the auditorium.

I am sure you are wondering what my take on this movie is, and perhaps wondering what the movie might be about (other than Mars needing moms).
Well, to start off, the premise. We open on a tween boy who does not like his mom. He hates taking out the trash. He is at that age when he parents aren't cool anymore and he just wants his mom to disappear. (Sound a lot like Home Alone to you?) (Dad is in the picture, but away on business). He goes to apologize to his mother for talking to her rudely and finds her being taken away by aliens. He follows, and climbs aboard the spaceship. The whole rest of the time is fighting to get his mother back and save her from apparent doom.  He has help from an earthling that has been on Mars for many years. And also from an Earth-loving alien who wants to help.

My take on this film? Well, I was entertained, but also bored at times. The Computer Animation, which I usually love, was intricate, but not my favorite. From my book that I have been reading about Pixar Animation, I have learned that their studies showed that if you make a person look TOO believable it will turn people off from the animation. Perhaps that was what was going on here for me today. I liked the A Christmas Carol animation better in terms of looking real though. I would much rather prefer Pixar animation to the Disney Animation that has been done in this film. I got a kick out of the creation of the film though- at the end during the credits where they showed the actors acting with lots of digital receptors was a ton of fun. I was a fan of the end of the movie, but not the middle, it got a bit monotonous. If I did not have a free ticket to this movie, I would not hav gone in theaters. I would have rented at Redbox.
I cannot recommend this movie to you fully. I would give it a 65-70 percent review. It made me cry at the end, but also made me wanna go to sleep in the middle.

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