March 8, 2011

Warning- contents of this blog may contain explicate material

I had to blog about a funny scene in the classroom today. Today, I was fortunate enough to substitute teach in a fourth grade classroom. As I have seen many times before, and really think is a good idea that I would implement into my classroom, there was an activity where the students are to find misspelled words and correct them.  They read a paragraph and look for spelling words or apostrophes or whatnot and correct them.

Well, the funny part of this story is that we came upon a misspelled word- ferther. It was meant to be further.  Well, I called on a kid and as you may have guessed, he said we needed to replace the FE with FU.  Of course there were some giggles among the room and because of that it even made me laugh a bit too, but was trying to hide it as the professional teacher that I am. Well, I asked him to spell out the whole word rather than just the F U. And he did and that was that.

It reminded me of a time in College Choir at COCC and one of my friends raised her hand to ask our Choir director if the sopranos were supposed to hit the F&G. It sounded like FnG. Of course in a class in college, when a remark like that is said whether intentional or not, it is talked about. One of the smart alloc guys in the class that knew my friend pretty well and knew that she would not say something like that on purpose in a certain way mentioned he was surprised at her saying that. Funny stuff. I still chuckle when I think of those situations.

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