March 29, 2011

Techno geek freak!

I am a techno geek. You know this, right? I like all those gadgets that make your life easier and more complicated all at the same time. I love to use technology any time I can. That is why a big store to browse and shop at on my list is Best Buy. BB has all the DVDs you would ever want and has lots of little gadgets that make me salivate like Pavlov's dogs.  From Computers and peripherals, to Digital cameras (DSLR please, hehe- in my dreams) to Video cameras, (oh and did I mention DVDs) it all makes me covet (which is a bad thing, if I remember from my bible knowledge).

BUT, but, but, but, one thing that just ticks me off about Best Buy is one simple fact- the fact that whenever I am just killing time (which I do at Best Buy quite often), that is the time where I get two or three employees asking if I am finding everything alright. And paired with that is the fact that when I actually want to buy something or am looking for something specific, that is the time in which I cannot find anyone near me to ask the question. How do they do this? You would think that they would be on the lookout for someone who is actually looking for something, instead of those who are killing time. It happens EVERY time!
This same thing happened just yesterday. I was killing some time before AWANA and just browsing through DVDs and such. Two gentlemen came up to me within a minute of each other. I got sick and tired of saying, "Im doing fine" especially one right after the other and so the second one when I mentioned that i was doing fine I sounded kind of agitated. I felt that he could tell that as well. I felt bad about that afterwards because he was just doing his job and did not know that I had just been approached a minute ago. Next time I will have to be more gracious.

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