February 20, 2011

Lesson Learned- No Walmart Fabrics since I know nothing

I am a CheapSkate!!! I don't like spending a wad of cold hard (to come by, for me) cash on things. I try to find deals wherever I go. I look at the weekly ads to find great deals for that week. I shop in Bulk at Costco, even though it is just me feeding myself. (It pays off in the long run).
For this reason, is the purpose for me to shop on Craigslist. Craigs has got lots of good stuff for cheap. Also, something I occasionally puruse is the FREE section in Craigs. It has lots of stupid stuff sometimes, but every once in a while you get some good stuff. I was looking last week and there was an Ottoman that was set out for free. I emailed this person selling and they never got back to me, then a day or two later they reposted with an address saying its outside and to pick it up. I wanted to, but did not want to make a trip all the way into Bend to do just that so I figured I would wait a day and see if it was still there. The next day I had planned to head into Bend for other things and so I would pick it up if still there. IT WAS! I was so excited to see it still there. This is even a swingable Ottoman for a Rocking Chair type. It works great with my Retro Rocking Chair I got from my Grandmother years ago.
So, the wood on the bottom of this Ottoman is in really good shape. The only thing that needs to change is the stuffing in the top and the covering. That is simple enough for me to fix.
So, I traveled to WalMart today to see if I could find something with which to cover it. I looked all over their selection at the different fabrics available. I found something I liked but was not certain it would work well for a furniture fabric. It felt a bit too stretchy and not sturdy enough for fabric. (I am not knowledgable in fabrics and their uses).  I waited in line for a WalMart associate who was helping someone else. She took her sweet time. Finally, after a few minutes, it was my turn. I asked if this would be a good fabric to use for a furniture piece and she was no help whatsoever. I decided that if she was not going to be helpful I would go somewhere where people actually know what they are talking about with fabrics. I am planing to head to JoAnns on my way to my College group tonight. I am sure that they will be much more helpful to my questions. I learned my lesson.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would say you should know about fabric if you're going to buy at Wal-Mart, they don't have the most knowledgeable staff. If we go there after 5pm we have to go to the sports/auto department to get help.....we usually don't buy fabric after 5! But, as long as you know about fabric the prices are great!=)