May 17, 2011

Bouncing Around

It is 4:18 AM this morning and I cannot get back to bed. Lots of things are bouncing around in my head. For some reason I have songs from Chicago in there. This is strange because it has been a while since I actually have seen Chicago so the fact that I have those songs in my head is, (as my title of my blog says), random thoughts.

...When you're good to Mama......He had it comin'....Baby? Did she say Baby?....Lipshitz....

Again, who knows WHY I have some of these songs from Chicago in my head, but it is not helping to get back to sleep.

Another thought is that I will have FIVE DAYS of Subbing this week. (and Next Week). I have never had a full week (not to mention full TWO weeks) of Subbing work in a row. I am super stoked about this.

And the last things that are going around in my head are questions of my future. I perhaps have an opportunity for work in a different capacity and I want to know if it is in God's will. I have done this type of work before but am not sure if I am the right person for the job. I think I would have fun with this and it could be incorporated into another job type that I am also doing, but just don't know.
Is it something to put my hat in the ring for? Is it something to talk with a supervisor about first? Would the current job type I am on right now conflict in timing? Would I not be able to give a full 100% on either job if I did both? Would I ruin what's currently happening? Would I miss the public school teaching that I have done recently? Would I thoroughly enjoy the job so much that I would want to make it my calling? I know they love me there. I know that I would have fun with it. I know it would help me to be closer. They know I am loyal.
These are the things bouncing around in my head and I know that last part was cryptic to say the least, but I want to hold my cards close on this one. Sorry, I know my blog is public for all to see (whoever wants to) but it is also a place for me to put down "Random Thoughts and Entries" and I wanted to place these random thoughts down without giving away the main details on these job opportunities.
Lord, God, you know me, you know my thoughts, please guide me (and disregard the Chicago songs)

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