August 18, 2011

Help! I need somebody...

I went to a movie this afternoon while in Bend and it was a good one, but I noticed something. I must not like the same movies that most people, or guys, my age like, because the movie I went to had NO other guys my age there.
I first noticed this when I was sitting and waiting for the movie to start. I got there 20 minutes early like I always like to do (BTW- there are some really good looking movies coming up soon) and as I was waiting and semi-watching Regal First Look, I was mostly noticing who was entering the theater.. it was older ladies, mostly in their 60s and 70s. They were entering the theaters in masses. There were some dutiful husbands along with some ladies, but from what I saw, I was probably one of 10 guys there and the rest must have been married and at least 65 years old. Same with the women. A theater mostly of women and mostly over 65. I was lucky enough to sit next to the only lady around my age, of whom was there with what seemed like it must have been her mother. (Now, I just want to make it clear that they sat near me, I was there first, but they also left the obligatory one seat open so I wouldn't feel cramped, but hey, she was cute, I wouldn't have minded so much if she cramped me a bit in the theater seat and sat right next to me...)

You may be wondering what these circumstances were that led to a theater full of old women. Well, I will tell ya, it was a number of things. First off, it was a mid-day showing starting at 1:15. That is certainly not the time a whole heck of a lot of guys my age go to the movies- they wait till the evening and weekends when they get off of work. The next and most obvious reason though, was because of the movie I chose. I went to see "The Help". This not a manly-testosterone-pumping-car-crashing-blow-stuff-up man kind of a movie. But I do NOT regret going one bit. It was a great movie and very well done.

The HelpThe movie is set in the mid-60's  in Jackson Mississippi and is a comment on the segregation of the whites and coloreds. There are a group of 20's ladies of whom their lives existed to get married and have babies. The only thing was they were rich, so they had a maid, a black woman, do all the chores, the housework, the serving, and even raising the kids. One young lady in that group did not like what she was seeing. Skeeter (Emma Stone- Gotta love those Red-Heads) did not think like the rest of the ladies in the group. She went to college, not to get her M.R.S. but to get a job afterwards and was a writer. She set out to write a book about The Help, the ladies in the town who did all the work for the rich white women.

It was a truly touching story of lives set back in the 60's. It makes you laugh when you hear about the pie and it makes you cry when you hear about the hardships. All around, a great family movie without nudity or terrible language or other offensive items that seem to be plaguing every Hollywood endeavor. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone, especially someone who grew up with that type of racism in that area doing that time.

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