August 27, 2011

I have a Dave Ramsey Dad

Debt Free! It is a nice thing to think of when I have been strapped for  cash this last year and having an $8500 loan hovering slightly over my head. Yes, I had learned from my father (and mother) not to get into debt. I always decline credit cards even though I am offered them all the time. I won't buy things that I don't have cash for. I do spend my money un-carefully at times, but I also keep track of it and am a tight-wad at times too. I know what you are thinking... Nope,  I have not gone through Dave Ramsey training, BUT I feel like I have with my father's influence.

A little over a week ago, I was in California with my mother's extended family for a reunion. It was great to see family I had not seen in a while. It was also  a bit awkward to re-meet extended family I had not seen in years or remembered, especially when they remembered me. After that reunion last saturday, we had a b-day party for many in the family. There are many birthdays in August and September that were celebrated, the most impressive was my grandmother- who is turning 93 in a few days. WOW, right?!

Because we had the whole family in one place, Grandma decided to give everyone an early Christmas present and boy, was it one. She gave every family in her family a check. It was a large sum of money. It was very helpful because I used some of the money to pay off my debt I had left. How nice it is to be debt free, all thanks to my grandmother.

After paying off the debt, I was looking for other ways to spend the money wisely. I have been in need of a newer (not new) car for a while now. I have had to pay repair bills for my current one for a while now. So, I decided to look online to see if there was a car for me. I found some good ones, but mostly out of my range. I found one that had all the specs- a good car, Honda CRV and there was no price. I left an email with the company asking about the price of the car. I figured it would be out of my range, but just in case...
So, I got a call back from someone at the dealership saying the price was 19,500. I had the amount of $7000 in my head as my cap. I said thank you but it was way out of my price range and hung up right away even though I know that she kept on talking while I was hanging up.
That night, I got an email from the company saying they heard I was unhappy with the price and I should come down to the lot and drive the thing and they could work out a price.
I said, No thank you, I have a price of $7000 and I am sure you don't want to come down THAT much to help me get in the car. I also said, I will not be taking out a loan.
He emailed back saying that they had many cars on the lot and he could help me get into a small SUV type if I wanted.
I emailed back yet again saying that if they had a 2005 or newer, under 50,000 miles, with AC, and Cruise and under $7000, then I would think about it.   For some reason I have not heard back from him... (That was sarcastic, in case you were wondering)

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