March 22, 2012

Awkward and Awesome (Yes KS, I took your title)

I had a very, very awkward experience last monday. BTW, welcome back, its been way too long, you-non-descript-online-blog-reader.
So, back the the awkward experience. To get there, I have to mention what I do weekly.
I enjoy teaching fun topics in an after-school program at my local elementary. I get to teach Video Production and Lego Robotics, and now Yearbook. Its good times.
Now, back to the awkward experience.
Well, every Monday I have to leave right after the ASP at 5:30 so I can race to Bend to go to teach at Awana. Last week, I was asked to stay a bit later because we had some staffing no-shows, so I felt I needed to stay a bit longer. One of my teacher friends there knew that I had to get going and so she, yes she, came over and said she would take over and let me get outta there. To continue, you must know more about this friend. She is a probably late 30s- early 40s mom/teacher... Now, moving on.
As she came to relieve me from my post she had something in her hand that she was passing off to a kid, I think it was her son, behind me.

This is where it gets good (and awkward). It really looked like she were going in for a side hug, and because it was a see ya later situation and my instinct is to hug someone that is going in for a goodbye hug, I started to move in to hug back. Just in the nic of time I figured out what she was doing and pulled back. We did not hug, repeat, did NOT hug, but it still was super awkward.

The whole way to Awana I just kept thinking about this awkwardness and laughing at how silly it was.

Can you say, Awkward? I know I can...

Now, a completely different topic.
Humane Societies.
My roommate found a dog that was just walking around outside our house today and he put her in our backyard. I was a bit apprehensive about that because someone might be looking for her. Anyway, we looked outside for an owner and racked our brains trying to figure out where she came from.
She is a White and Brendle colored Pit Bull mix and super sweet. She had no collar, super-long nails, and just was the friendliest thing in the world.
I even let Pixar out and he and she were having a grand ol' time. They were chasing each other and just having a great doggy date. I fell in love at first sight. Such a sweetheart. I gave her a treat and she even knew the command "SIT"  I hope she is found by her owners soon. I felt I should name her. Dreamworks. If I were to keep her, I would call her DW for short or D-Dub for even shorter. It works right, Pixar and Dreamworks.

After waiting a bit to see if anyone was looking for her, I took her to the Humane Society.
For some reason, my roommate did not have a good connotation associated with the Humane Society. He was saying how they keep dogs and make their owners pay for the time they stayed at the shelter, for food and such... How they make sure the dog has had up-to-date rabies shots and junk. I don't know why he thought that was a bad thing. I agree with those statements. I want the owner to have the dogs shots up to date and be able to pay for food that was eaten by the dog while at the shelter.

I have had only good experiences with Humane Societies and Shelters. Pixar was taken home from a Shelter. A former family dog that we had for 14 years was lost at one point in a Wood Cutting Trip and the only way we would have gotten Boaz back was from a Shelter.
BUT, I was wanting to make sure they would not euthanize the dog, and was willing to have them keep my information on hand and call me before that happened. Well, it turns out they do not put the dogs down, so that is good. I was thinking long and hard about add another dog to my family though, because DDub was just the cutest thing in the world. She would have made a great addition- but Pixar is enough for me for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As long as you are willing to pay the exorbitant copyright fee, of course it's okay you took the tittle I took from someone else.....
I hate awkward goodbyes! =P