April 2, 2012

Computer Failure

Computer failure for sure. I sold Toby(my Mac) and that was a good thing and a whole other blog posting in itself but I assumed it would be an easy transfer to my new one that I have been drooling over at BestBuy. Just wait for my funds to transfer over from my external savings accounts. Drive into Bend nice and early and buy the one that I have been saving for. Not so easy.
I got there nice and early. 9:45. And I took some time to checkout other local shops. Got into BB at around 10:05.
I can't find anyone to help me out. It's not like the computer boxes are just sitting out and I can just pick the one I want and go pay for it.
Also as routine in BB, whenever I need help buying something they are. Never there available. But when I am just browsing, THAT is when they are annoyingly asking to help. I experienced that today.

Finally I got someone's attention and asked for my model. They did not have it. I asked for the slower model if 15in and they came back (after about 10minutes) and said they had NO 15in models.
I decided to try Connecting Point even though I am not a fan of CP. they were overly expensive and were also getting out of stock. Saying shipping has been delaying.

To me that says there is a refresh coming in the line. I might be waiting a few weeks to get my new computer.

Now, I have no computer to use though and am not sure I will make it a few weeks. I even had a scary thought of resorting to buying a cheapo net book on Craigslist to pass the time but they would be a Windows based machine. Perish the thought.

So, this posting has been produced on my touch. Takes a while.

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