May 1, 2012

Past and Present Plans

Long time, No write. Well some things that have happened since my last blog posting- the most major of which being I graduated my Master's Degree from Western Oregon University. Other go along the lines of, Same ol, same ol, Easter was fun, I am getting more sub jobs now that Spring Break is over and teachers are looking to use up their days before they are gone, ect. OH!, I almost forgot, I purchased a New MacBookPro. I was planning to wait to purchase because the NEW MacBookPro was supposed to be revealed super soon. I could only wait like two days. It was kinda sad. I decided to get the Mac Daddy (Pun intended) because it is the massive 17" big boy. I even call him Big Mac (Copyright pending, hehe)

As per the Graduating with Degree item, I am not sure that I will be doing the actual commencement part. I just kinda feel like I've been there, done that (with the Undergrad). Also a big factor for me is the time AND the price commitment for Commencement. I have to take the time to drive over there in Mid June, purchase the regalia stuff- the hat, the gown, the hood (even though it doesn't go over your head), the tassel, and such. I will see. Im still up in the air. I agree its a big deal, but Im just not sure its worth it for me. I know my family would be there to support me, which is wonderful, but that is another thing, I don't really want to take up their time because they are busy people and we have a fun trip planned already.

This Summer, I have been putting into the works a Camping Trip. Two, in fact. The first was planned a few months ago now, it is the HUB 2nd annual Camping Trip at East Lake and it will be amazing. Last year, I had so much fun with planning the HUB 1st Annual Camping Trip and cannot wait for this years event. It was a great time of fellowship and relaxing.
The second camping trip is for family. I got the idea a while ago how fun it would be to have a family camping trip to Fort Stevens in Astoria (because it is kind of a central area for us kids on the outliers.).
So, I worked around the Guy schedule and got them to buy into it (It took some work because J didn't want to camp with little girls without having a camper/trailer thingy. Is that real camping? Im not so sure)
I also worked with the sis and parents on getting it going, so we have three campsites reserved at Fort Stevens State Park in August.
The crazy thing is that these two camping trips are directly next to each other. We will be camping on Monday/Tuesday night in Ft. Stevens, then drive home on Wed. THEN, Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night, I have HUB Camping.

PIXAR is going to have a BLAST!

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