May 24, 2012

Facebook Birthdays?

So, I have to confess. When I first got back on Facebook (yes, My sisters were early adopters and made me join back in 05 or 06 but I got bored with it, I mean, SO not MySpace right- at least at the time MS was the fad) I started with the whole birthday thing. I saw every birthday there was and I went to that person's page and I wrote Happy Birthday.
Then time passed and I got annoyed with the monotony and decided, Just if I come in contact with that person on a daily basis. Okay, that went well for a while, but then on my BDay I got a million FB generic "Happy Birthday"'s and I got so tired of em that I decided not even if they are someone I come in contact with- just family- because I have to....

I now have a new plan of attack! I just came up with this in the shower, (don't ask my why it was in there, and don't ask me why I felt that was pertinent information, cuz it wasn't)... oh right, my plan....

I plan to instead of wishing a Happy Birthday, write on the Birthed person who is happy's page about a fun memory of them. If there is no fun memory that comes to mind, I will just leave it at that.

While I was thinking of this fun new idea (in the shower) I decided I would also take it a step further- Instead of just writing when Bday's come around, I figured it would be nice to connect again with old friends and new alike by taking my own... (Say it like Barney from HIMYM now) CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

So, now I plan to take a 38-Day challenge to write on a random person's page on FB. This will be strictly random and will be a way to keep in touch or encourage someone via FB. After the 38 days, we shall see if I continue it. "Why would you take a 38-day challenge? Why 38?" Im glad you asked that, random blog reader, Its because I just thought of it today and I wanted to have an accountability trial- like a month-long, but I did not want to wait until June 1st to do it, so, there ya go.
 Join me in the 38-Day's of FB Connection IF YOU DARE!

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