May 3, 2012

How sweet it is to be loved by you.... Pixar

I felt so bad this morning. My father has been here for a few days now and is working hard outside to get the house all ready for the Summer months like the good landlord that he is. He has done all sorts of hard work to get it looking fantastic again. But that is now why I was feeling bad this morning.
No, its about Pixar.
I left in the mid-morning to go to a sub job in Bend and left Pix out with Dad because it is much more interesting/exciting for a dog to be around someone and outside than to be laying on my bed (which is what he usually does all day) So, I left him out and he had free reign with gates being open and such- he sticks pretty close- and I started up my car and as I was pulling out of the driveway I saw his head peek out from the side of the house, as to say, Hey, where are you going.... Don't leave me...
I felt so bad. I rolled down my window to say that I had to go and I was sorry he could not. He looked sad.
I started to drive down the driveway and was watching him,... he started running after me. He really wanted to go. I watched as I drove down the street to make sure he stopped where he knew he was supposed to and he did. How sweet is that, that my dog loves me so much that he runs after my car down the driveway.

Oh, and I have an interview, thanks to my Non-Facebook-Loving-Friend, Greg. He gave me a great recommendation for a job at KTVZ and the hiring manager called me to do an interview tomorrow. I am so excited.


Unknown said...

Crossing my fingers about the interview! =)

Megan Marie said...

Akkkk!!! Congrats on the interview... We will be praying LOTS that you will get the job... :)