May 15, 2012

Much has happened.

Much has happened in the past week.
First off, last Friday I had an interview with KTVZ. A good friend from church, Greg (Greggers) put in a good word for me and it got me the interview. At first it was hiring for two full-time positions- On-Air Tech, which means Master Control (Pushing buttons and watching playlists to make sure that the programming is going the way it should and on at the right times) and also one that is part Master Control and part Tech Directing (being in charge of the Weekend Early Morning Newscast- switching camera feeds, act). It turned out that one of the full-time jobs was taken back off the plate and there was only one job- the one that was split between Master Control and Tech Directing. AND I WAS OFFERED THE JOB!
I was super excited when I heard that- only one job and I was considered the best candidate.
So, I traveled into Bend after my Sub job today and did a bit of paperwork, and got my pee requirements for my drug testing. I took it right after the meeting and there was talk about doing training as early as Thursday. We shall see.

But, that is my exciting new news. Yes, this job is from 12AM (Midnight) to 8AM and I believe it is from Thursday nights - Monday so I will be super tired, but it will be nice to have a steady income- subbing is so sporadic.

Another fun thing was this last Saturday- it was going to be a super nice day and so I had thought about taking a hike. My friend, Kelly had the same idea- her's was for her B-Day though. So she got a trip going to do Alder Springs in the morning/afternoon and then have some Pizza and a movie and some bday cake. It was all super fun.

Kelly and I went with our dogs (all three of em) and set out around 10:30 from Alder Springs trailhead. I was weary about the 1600 feet elevation gain and rightfully so. Aside from South Sister (which I did not make it all the way up to and it was a few years ago)- I believe this was the most strenuous hike I had attempted. It was also a 6-7 mile long hike too. Well, after lots of breaks and thoughts (from me) of turning back because of my tiredness, we made it all the way to the end of the trail. Then the hard part- getting back to the trailhead- it was very much an uphill battle for me. I had to stop numerous times. Kelly was very patient with me though.

I finally made it all the way back around 3:30 maybe and we headed our separate ways to get cleaned up before the fun Bday festivities.
We had some pizza, watched American Outlaws, a favorite of Sarah's and had a great time socializing and eating homemade cake- by frosting experts.

By the end of that day I was SO, SO sore. It continued on Sunday and a bit of Monday, but I am feeling much better today.

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