May 7, 2012

Sandals or Spinner Moc?

I am torn. Torn between the idea of Sandals for the Summer or some other type. I love my Tevas, but they are kinda expensive. I need a new pair, the old ones are stinkin' when I wear them because of the rubber being old and such. (feel free to insert, "Tim, Your feet make the sandals stink" joke here.)

But, here is the thing, I went to the outlet stores yesterday and looked for some good quality, cheap sandals and did not come up with much. Nike just had Flip Flop types. I did find a few at Columbia that would work, ect, but none that I fell in love with.

I did find some shoes that are supposed to be waterproof/resistant/with holes for drainage. They are Columbia brand, so you know they will last a long time, and I cannot find em cheaper- even online. They are Spinner Moc model. Take a look
 I know they don't look comfy, but they actually were/are. This image I found online looks kinda like a girl version, but it is the same idea, just not as girly.  I am just worried that I will miss wearing my Sandals. They are super light and I could see wearing them on a hike or to the river or while swimming, but I am wondering if they will look stupid when I have shorts on (which has already started, and will last pretty much non-stop until October perhaps). Granted, I don't care as much of how I look, style-wise as some people do, I mean if the occasion is right, I will still wear socks and sandals together- its in the Kirkman male genes, but I want to feel comfortable wearing them as well and not embarrassed.
Feel free to weigh in, should I get good ol sandals, or these Columbia Water shoes (Spinner Moc)??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally the sandals!!!! The mocs scream yuppie, and kind of a wimpy, girly one at that!