February 29, 2012

Take the Leap

It's leap day! I always like that extra day to do all the stuff that you couldn't get in the rest of the year. It's like a present in the present every four years. Granted, I don't do too much differently than any other day but the symbolism is great.
The year I was born (1984) was a Leap Year and my slated birth date was near Leap Day. My parents were hoping that I might be born on Leap Day, because it would be such fun. Alas, I was way too stubborn and stuck in the womb until March 4th.
My second grade teacher was born on Leap Day and so when I was in second grade she was bragging that she was only 13 years old (or something like that) and no one believed her because he was obviously older than that. That still makes me smile.
I also have a friend on Facebook who's birthday is on Leap Day and so she is super excited for this day since it only comes every four years.

Leap Days also make me think of how I can take a giant leap. I don't want to be in perpetual motion of going nowhere. I want to take those giant leaps. I want to take chances. I am such a scary-cat (just like Pixar, my dog) and rarely take any chances. Leap Days make me think of how I can take those Metaphorical AND Physical AND Emotional Leaps.

May we all have the guts to take those Leaps on this Free Day!


Megan Marie said...

Sounds good to me! Take a giant leap... get messy, make a mistake, take a chance.... You never know what God has in store for you unless you take that *leap* off the boat, and try to walk on water! :)

Unknown said...

I totally forgot that it was leap day! What an epic fail on my part! =(