February 21, 2012

Can You Smell It?

So I have some fairly good news. As I wrote a bit ago, I had a major Masters testing that I was waiting for results. I got them this evening.
The good part is that I passed one half of the testing.
There were two parts. One was my Professional core. This was the part of the core that I felt most confident about. The other part of the testing was in my subject area (Info Tech) and I was a bit more uneasy about because of my tiredness and it was the afternoon part in which I was kinda speeding through.
Well, it was reversed. The core part that I felt confident about, was the one that I need to rework some and my Info Tech core was the one I passed.

Luckily,  to pass, I just need to Skype with my professor who sent info on what I need to study on.

I am almost there with my degree. I WILL accomplish this Masters and I will be a better person for it. I can smell the end of the road.

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