February 15, 2012

Possibilities and Dreams

Lately I have been thinking about future. Yes, I know that I must live in the moment. Yes, I know that God commands in his word not to worry about my life because I am so much more important to him than the birds of the air... But I still think and dream.

One possibility/dream is a job opening at my church in the Children's department that I would certainly enjoy. I feel I would do a great job as the Children's director at my church. Ever since learning about it, I t has been in the back of my mind and the waiting to hear from it is making me impatient.

Another is one I just heard about a few days ago. I got a forward of a district email about openings in the Redmond School District for next year. Most were not applicable to me and ones I would not feel comfortable with, but one that screams out at me is TV/Video Production teacher at the brand new High School, Ridgeview. I know what you are thinking..., "Tim are you really wanting to teach in a High School? You always have been strictly interested in teaching Elementary classrooms!" You are so right, but I would have so much fun with a job that incorporates the Technical aspects of my passion in Video.
I would assume, because of the job being at the brand new school, the district would give the new hire a set amount of money and say, "Get everything you need" and if the new hire was me, I would be able to make the awesome purchases. How exciting would that be.

Not related to future jobs (at least directly) is my Final Comprehensive Exams that I took almost a week ago. I am still waiting to hear on these two long writing/test/papers. I am prayerfully hoping that I passed. If so, that means after this class I am currently in (which I need to catch up with) will be my last.

These are the things running in the back of my mind as I go throughout my day. May God guide my decisions and my life.


Unknown said...

Wow! I will definitely be praying for God to give you guidance and wisdom.....and for the record spending obscene amounts of other peoples money is so much better then spending your own!! ;-)

TimKirkman said...

Yes, as long as you get to use the stuff.

Unknown said...

Well, hopefully if you get to buy it you will also get to use it!
Fingers crossed and prayers going heavenward! =)