February 25, 2012

Justice, my friend, Justice

I did something I normally do not do- I got a Bluray (wait until the end before you start scoffing saying I ALWAYS buy Blurays)... I got a BluRay that I didn't preview first. I have a deal with myself that I will buy Blu's (or anything for that matter) only after I have watched the movie and know it is worth it... Well, I didn't this time.

What movie did I buy without previewing? you may ask?  It is called "the Conspirator". It is a Historical Fiction about Lincoln's Assassination and the aftermath. I was not wowed, but I did enjoy it.
It has some well-known faces- James McAvoy, Kevin Kline, Rachael Evan Wood, Tom Wilkinson, Justin Long, and that dude from Star Trek TNG. (Granted, some of these names I do not recognize, but that is why I said FACES)
It is about a lawyer who has to defend Mary Surratt, an alleged conspirator to the assassination of President Lincoln. This was a difficult task because it was of a court of generals and Yankees who had pre-conceived notions about these conspirators.

When I saw this movie, Yes, I liked it, but I was mostly outraged at the fact that Justice was not being done. It just rubs me the wrong way when the supposed "Good Guys" in the film are not following the rules. There was a lot of this in this movie. I get where both sides were coming from, but I guess justice is very important in my life.

Just wanted to let you all know.

If we do not maintain Justice, Justice will not maintain us.
-Francis Bacon

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