June 12, 2012

Big Mac

The first day of WWDC 12 started Monday. In case you don't know the lingo- WWDC is the World Wide Developers Conference. This is an Apple event where they love to introduce new products to their iOS developers.
I always look forward to this first day- not because I spent the $1000 or so dollars to get a ticket to the event (not that I could have- it went sold out in under 2 hours), but instead because of the Keynote address.
Usually, I am right online at 10AM and following the liveblog- usually from Engadget, but this time, I was sleeping, blame it on the night job. Anyway, Instead I went straight to Apple.com and watched the keynote instead.
As rumored, they introduced a new MacBook Air (nothing special there), and the New MacBook Pro (this is the one that everyone is talking about- lots of features- Retina Display, USB 3, up to 16GB of Ram, SSD Hard Drive, faster processor, HDMI port, ect)
They also talked about the new Mac version- Mountain Lion, which was somewhat, but not amazingly impressive.
And of course the new iOS 6- there are some cool features to this- I am excited for the new Maps. At first, I was bummed because I enjoy Google Maps on iOS, but after viewing the demo, I am impressed.
Also, as a part of 6 is more sharing /facebook/twitter options, a nice new call feature (that I won't use because I just have the touch) and also Siri for iPad 2/3.

There were many good things happening in the Apple Universe this week and I look forward to seeing and trying them out.

You may be wondering if I regret my choosing to purchase my new Mac (Big Mac) earlier than waiting for the new MacBook Pro to come out? Well, I am divided. I like the look of the new one. It is sleek and sexy, but I would certainly miss my optical drive. I use it quite a bit for burning dads and such.
I also did not want to wait that long for a new Mac. If I would get the new one, it would cost too much too- I would have to get a huge SSD drive to have close to the same amount of space I have now. I would want to get the optical drive, which would cost more. and so on.

I am happy with my Big Mac.

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