April 27, 2009


During financially- strained-no-money-in-the-pocketbook-times like these right now, there are many people who are struggling. It makes one think about what they NEED rather than what they want. There are many cases I've heard of where the family is going through tough times because of money. Can't pay the rent, have to move from a foreclosed house, all the retirement funds are depleted or gone, homeless,... there are many situations out there right now. It seems every times we turn around there is another store or restaurant closing it doors and having clearance.

Some might say, "How can we survive? Why is God allowing this to happen?" Well, I choose to look at is as something that is created by God, but for a good purpose. God may have created this all to happen to bring many to him who would not get there otherwise. He is allowing this to happen to grow us. Think about this:

Ecclesiastes 7:14- When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider; God has made the one as well as the other...

That verse really says alot to me, because God DID make this day, and the last, and even when WE feel that the times are bad for everyone, we need to realize that He made it for a reason and He calls it GOOD!

It's a time for me to really think about what kinds of things that I NEED rather than things that I WANT! There is a big difference. I am so thankful to God for everything that happens. He always takes care of me. It makes me wonder if I lost everything, Would I still praise Him for everything? It could be a test, such as Job, would I have the insight to know that when everything going on around me was "Bad", know that God was still there and cared for me. I hope that I would pass that test. Would you pass that test?

This is also a time in which we need to reach out to others to help them as much as possible. This is a time where we can put our faith into ACTIONS and really show the world (or at least our community) the unfailing, unchanging, unbreakable, undeniable, uninhibited, unwarranted, love of the gracious God of all!

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