April 25, 2009

Stuck at Home

It's a weird feeling for me to know that I will not be heading to First Baptist Church tomorrow for the service. It's is a good thing for me to have a change in churches at this time, and I am totally fine with it, because I am excited about the possibilities and where I will be going from now on, But it still is a weird feeling. Yes, I will be going to FBC for the Sunday School hour this week because we are having a Latvia training meeting, but I will not be staying for the Sermon.

I am however, very excited about our College group Barbecue. I am excited to try out my Tatter Salad. (Blue Comedy Tour Reference there, in case you missed it) I have never made this Tatter Salad and I must say, it tastes pretty darn good, thanks to All Recipes.com
This is a celebration for the end of our study in Ecclesiastes. We will be hangin out from 5-9 with lots of good food, and a great worship time. I am so grateful to the Toomies for consistantly opening up their house (and their LIVES) to 10-20 Young Adults.

I have been having a hard time lately with my working situation. As a substitute teacher, I am not getting many jobs each month. I had a total of 4 full days in March, but not only money-wise, its tough being stuck at home with nothing to do when I know I should be working 4-5 days a week and only get 1-2. Its hard to know what I should be doing with my "OFF" time. Should I read all day?, stay in bed and sleep?, go for a really, really, really long walk?, clean the house?, surf the net all day?, watch hours upon hours of Television?, what should I do??? I'd love comments on this if you feel led? I need to find something that I can do on my off time that is worthwhile, something that gives back to the community or God but is not a consistant time commitment (the reason behind this is that I do not have a steady day that I never have a job, so I don't feel as though I can take up SMART reading because it is a commitment during the day and I cannot set aside one day out of the week to do things such as these, I need to take jobs when they arise. Got all that??) Maybe I just need a good hobby! I don't know.

Well, thats all for tonight. I hope the thousands upon thousands of people that read this blog (Sarcastically, of course) comment on my questions. (NOT Sarcastically)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love tater salad! Got any tater tots that we should know about?=)
As for your questions, now would be a great time to read those books you've just never gotten around to and may not have the time or energy to read later in life when a full time job is in the picture. Go and visit or do handy man type stuff for the sick or older people in your life. Help out an over worked mom by picking her kids up from school and taking them to the park. Just go into the church office and explain your situation, I'm sure they'll find something for you to do! Or, you could always come over to my house and do some laundry, I know how you love laundry. I'll be thinking of ideas and praying for you and your spare time!