January 11, 2010

Redbox and Redface

I was a bit impatient tonight. I went to RedBox after my Veritas group to get a free movie. Of course, a couple were there and searching through movies. Now, as a courtesty, if you do not know what you are going to get at the Redbox, you might take a look online to see what they have and have a few choices lined out so when you get there, it is in and out, but NO, These two took their sweet time and looked at each movie that was in the redbox and opened alot of them the see if they wanted them. Now, I was not there the whole time that they were picking out their movies (Thank Goodness) but there were 7 pages of movie titles, and they got all the way to the end. That was alot of waiting, and I try to be patient myself, but there comes a point... So, finally they make their one choice and are waiting for the Redbox to stick its DVD out like a huge red tongue, and the girl has the audacity to say "Hurry up Machine!"..
I was shocked. Had she really just said that?? Because she had to wait 10 seconds for a machine to spit out a dvd, she felt she needed to say Hurry Up Machine?? Well, needless to say, I wanted to say something to her, but decided not too.

And who knows, maybe she was saying it for my sake, and wanting to get the movie and get out of the way for me to start my choosing, but at least if you are going to take a long time in the redbox selections, you can at least acknowledge the person who is waiting in the line behind you, and maybe say, sorry it took us so long.

Well, I have said my peace and counted to 10 (O Brother, Where Art Thou, in case you were wondering)

And just FYI- I got Terminator Salvation. We shall see how good it is.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

:-/ I sheepishly admit I have been that person taking a long time to decide at the Redbox machine. Glad you weren't in line behind me! :)